Another drop

Freedom from the perception of the self in the 3rd dimension

“You are about to enter another dimension, with a different legality than the one you know”
Before I start the treatment , I get to say this sentence a lot … and many times, it’s really the experience I hear about at the end of the treatment.
How many times have I heard:
“I was not here”, “I really floated”, “I was up”, “I was a whale,: I was a raft:” and many more comments in style … really countless times! But what does it mean to enter another dimension?
And how is this at all possible with such surprising ease? These questions have been resonating within me for a long time.
I think, finally, I found a way to explain it.

What does it mean - dimension 3?

We all experience the reality of the world in the 3rd dimension. Everything in the world has height-width-depth. This is a dimension In it we move in space in terms of forward-backward, up-down, inward-outward.
Our body, subjected to gravity, cannot really experience itself in other terms. When we are awake, we are aware of our position in space and time. Aware of gravity.
The mind is also affected by gravity and moves in this space in terms of past-future, positive-negative, inward-outward.

How many dimensions are there at all?

Turns out there are 12 dimensions. Each of them corresponds to a different level of consciousness.
The sages say that the period in which we live is a period of transition from the limited perception of the third dimension towards consciousness adapted to the fourth and fifth dimensions.

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