Another drop

the power of thought

Thoughts are like the waves of the sea. They are infinite

Swami Shivananda

Swami Shivananda

We live in a sea of thoughts.
Thoughts we have about the world, about reality …
Thoughts we have about ourselves …
Thoughts of the world about us …
These thoughts are like waves in the sea and we have the ability to choose the wave that suits us.
It’s not easy … it’s even very frustrating, because thoughts flow endlessly.
It is very difficult to change old thoughts that are always floating up, it is very difficult to be in focus and direct the thoughts … but it is definitely possible.
It requires awareness and practice.
If we are not aware of this issue of thoughts, we will constantly be subject to the effects of the waves.
We will be subject to the oscillations of the waves – once up, once down … once quiet, once stormy …

I, of course, am not writing anything new that was not written thousands of years ago …
Today I went back to perusing the writings of the yogi Swami Shivananda, who has devoted an entire book to the subject of the power of thought and why it is at all important to be aware of this power.
It is important to understand that we are subject to the influence of the waves inside and outside of us

Every thought you send is an oscillation that never goes extinct and continues to vibrate in every particle in the universe …. People like you unconsciously accept the thoughts you radiated … without knowing the results of your thoughts, you exert great forces …


Swami Shivananda

And if I connect this subject for a moment to the water, then in every cell and compartment in our body
There is water. Each wave of thought directly affects the water in the cells.
Depression, stress, negative emotions … all of these weaken the cells and their ability to function.
The water in the cells vibrates in disharmony, in restlessness and the life force that passes through them is weakened. This is the reason, many times, for physical weakness and illness.


Beyond the importance of mental practice that each and every one of us should practice and maintain hope, security, joy, harmony … there is additional help and it comes in living water.
When we are in living water, we first experience disconnection and silence from the waves external to us, from the external noise that interferes with our experience of harmony.
Living water also directly affects the vibration in our body cells and puts in quiet.
Within such an environment, it is easier for us to direct our thoughts in the direction that is in our supreme favor, and to raise the level of vitality of the water in our cells.

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