Another drop

Living water treatment for the elderly

Come on … forward, to battle!

When Kibbutznik Yika arrives to treat living water …
This is the answer I get from him before we start the treatment
And I understand that I’m going to be interesting 🙂


He received the living water treatment from his children, as a gift in honor of his birthday.

Listen, my dad has to let go of some control and relax

In a conversation with his daughter, she told me that he is a very restless person, with a lot of defenses of cynicism, who has a very hard time letting go of control.

Do not worry, this is already my specialty

I am no longer really scared of all the introductions and warnings about people who have a hard time letting go of control.
On the contrary, it excites me to meet such people
Because I know how significant this treatment is going to be for them.
Once upon a time, at the beginning of my career as a water therapist, I was sometimes stressed when such a guy came to me …
Today, after more than a decade of water treatments I already rely on living water and my experience.
I know that I have the ability to help those who come to me melt the armor that weighs on them …
Melt the contraction, the need to be in control all the time.
And so it was with this dear man who came to me last week.
Despite all the warnings of the daughter, despite all the “no” movements with his head he made to me, while I explain to him that he is about to experience a deep relaxation and give up control … the man just “flies”!
How do I know that?
First of all, through the body, through the feeling of the muscle tone that changes, through the feeling of the flow of movement to which the body opens, through the facial expressions, the breathing and more … and of course, from the wonderful feedback I received from him at the end of the treatment



Listen Orly … it was amazing! It’s crazy what’s been here!
Understand … a shake like me will give up control !!! I can not believe it, what a shame !!! 🙂

And if you put the laughter aside for a moment, I really think living water treatment for seniors is a wonderful gift.
Most people in this generation have grown up with very strong survival and their background, their life experiences have a very clear physical and mental impact.
Most of them are already carrying with them precipitation and deep pain.
In living water there is a golden opportunity to release the contraction, release the pain and begin a process of change to a more harmonious state.
Because if not now, then when ?!

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