Another drop

Did you know?! The water in your body is just like a battery

Gerald Polk and I at the 14th World Water Conference held this year in Germany

Young researchers are afraid to enter the field of water research for fear of criticism and rejection

I had the privilege of meeting Professor Gerald Pollack and hearing from him directly about his groundbreaking revelations in everything related to water and water in our body.
Gerald Pollack is a scientist, lecturer and author known worldwide. He received the Dr. Imoto Peace Prize and the University of Washington Award as a lecturer.

At the beginning of his lecture at this year’s conference, Polk mentioned the names of several researchers and thanked them for their contribution to our ability to understand water.
The first to mention it was a Chinese biologist named Gilbert Ling who claimed as early as 1919 that whole bodies in cells had a special structure and even invented electrodes to measure the electrical charge of water in cells.

He went on to mention Jacques Benvenista, Masaro Imoto and Luke Montagne who each showed how water has a memory capacity.

I will not list here all the names he mentioned, what is important is to explain that almost every one of these scientists sacrificed his career and his reputation to get closer to understanding the great mystery of water. J. Polk literally came out calling on young researchers to continue in the field and not be afraid of criticism and rejection of the mainstream … because our ability to understand water has a huge impact on our ability to support our own and the world’s health.

The light charges the energy of the water in our cells

If we examine our body closely, it seems that every cell and compartment has water.
The water in the body is not like the water that comes out of the tap … Most of us know the common denominator of water as H2O, but the water in our cells has a different composition, which is H3O2.
This is water in the fourth state of aggregation.
They are not liquid, not ice, not gas … they are more like jelly.
The nickname attached to them is EZ Water. Within every cell in our body a process of energy production takes place and this process takes place by breaking the water molecule in two, some with a positive charge and some with a negative charge.
Gerald Folk actually shows that the electric charge generated in this process can be enough to turn on a clock or turn on a light bulb.

Recommends that you read his book Cells, Gels and the Engine of Life

The energy produced in the process, in fact, supports the processes and organs in the body.
For example, he showed how it improves blood circulation in the body. Folk told us that he thought about the process of blood circulation … How do red blood cells pass through blood vessels whose circumference is much smaller than their circumference? After all, you have to apply enormous pressure to do this … and it cannot be that the heart alone is responsible for this.
Folk has shown that flow is also aided by the energy generated in the water molecules in cells.

So how can this knowledge be used?

We all want to feel good, to feel vital, with energies … which is exactly why I’m telling you about Gerald Folk’s discoveries.
Each and every one of us knows most naturally to produce energy, we do it without even thinking about it.
The higher the level of EZ water in our body, the better we feel, and our body has a higher ability to function and heal itself.
How do you achieve such a high level naturally? The truth is that there are several ways and the research in this field is still ongoing, I will probably hear more about this topic at the next conference …
Meanwhile, what is known is that light in general and infrared light in particular are effective for the production of EZ water. So very simple, go out in the sun or treat yourself to a visit to the sauna.
Drinking structured water rather than regular tap water also raises the EZ water level. You should read an article I wrote about drinking water.
Green vegetables – drinking a green smoothie.
Ice contains a lot of EZ water, so you can eat ice.
Honestly, maybe I finally heard a logical explanation for the crazy need I had during my pregnancy to eat ice … lots of ice!

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