Another drop

Ancient knowledge through technological tools

How about the idea of just getting into the water, allowing the frequencies to flow and resonate into your body through them?
Allow them to return it to harmonious flow? Sounds ridiculous to you? Too innovative?
In the days when many of us are becoming more and more aware (sometimes worried) about the issue of frequencies and their effect on the body, I was reminded of a special place that existed until a little over a decade ago in England, where people came to pool healing, which contained patient-specific frequencies.

Sound / frequency healing is not a new thing

I recently read an article about Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher who lived in the sixth century BCE, who used music to heal the body and mind. The truth is that long before him voice and singing were used for this purpose.
In all the ancient cultures there is evidence of the use of voice in healing rituals … The Indians are aided by mantras, the shamans are aided by singing …
Many healing rituals use not only sound, but also water …
True, there is a lot to be written on this subject, but what I am interested in now is to tell you
Is about the relationship between the sound produced (frequency) and the change in the structure of matter.
Allow a quick look at where some of the scientists today (at least those I know of) have come to when it comes to healing and sound waves.

The tangible understanding of the effect of sound on matter is attributed to a musician and a physicist
From the 18th century named Ernest Claudney.
He played with a violin bow on the edge of a plate containing sand.
The vibrations of the sounds produced by the violin bow created geometric shapes in the sand.
He was in fact the first to graphically show the change in the structure of matter through a wave of sound.

The science of chemistry investigates the effect of the wave on the structure of matter.

In the 1960s a Swedish scientist named Dr. Hans Jenny continued to conduct experiments on the subject. He took sand, liquid and powder on a plate and photographed the shapes created under the influence of the sound waves heard to the materials on the plate.
He is also the one who coined the name Kimtika for this field of research. Investigating the effect of waves on matter.
KYMA in Greek = wave.

Using chemistry for healing

DR. Peter Guy Manners

Dr. Guy Meners teamed up with Dr. Hans Jenny and together they pioneered the application of knowledge for the holistic healing of the body and mind.
Guy Maners devoted his life to finding the frequencies that support the functioning of the systems of the human body.
He also saw how disease or dysfunction can form when the body is not exposed to these frequencies or when it is exposed to harmful frequencies.
He discovered that the body vibrates at 5 specific frequencies in different combinations and developed a device with the help of which it is possible to “correct” the frequency in the patient’s body.
Guy Maners discovered that it is not enough just to hear the sound waves of the healing frequencies, it is better to have physical contact with the help of which vibration can affect the body more effectively.
And what do you think is the most efficient way to transmit the waves through it …? True, through the water.

At the center he set up in England, there was a heated pool where customers came for healing.
Depending on the patient’s need, waves were transmitted in the appropriate combination to the water in the pool and the patient would enter the water and absorb the healing in a harmonious and non-invasive manner.

Its center has also served as a place of study for many sound therapists.
Guy Meners passed away in 2009 and before he passed on he transferred his knowledge and development to Mandra Cromwell from the USA.


Mandra Cromwell took the knowledge she gained and developed a device called AMI
Acoustic Meridian Intelligence – a device that allows anyone who wants to purchase it
(For a few thousand dollars) Use this self-healing technology at home.
The developed device transmits through the feet the frequencies according to the need of the specific case. Improving sleep, reducing stress, reducing pain and more.
The frequencies pass through pads that contain standing gel water and allow vibration to flow through the feet.
She has written a book called Soundflower that describes through her personal experience the topic of using sound for healing purposes.
Mandra has established a non-profit organization that disseminates this fascinating knowledge and delivers lectures around the world.
The esteemed researcher John Stuart Reed conducted experiments in his lab with the device she developed and the results were surprisingly good.
He examined the effect of sound waves produced by the AMI device on red blood cells.
More information about the experiment and other topics can be found on its website
Stuart Reed is a fascinating scientist and deserves to dedicate a post to him separately, I will just quote a sentence with which he opened the lecture he gave at the last World Water Conference


So what did we have?

1. Our body vibrates in a certain combination of frequencies (each organ has its own vibration).
2. Our body responds to the frequencies it encounters
3. Frequency can restore the harmonic resonance of the system in the body or disrupt it
4. The use of this knowledge is ancient

This is just one example of progress in the field.
There are currently additional technological developments, to improve and support our health
Using energy and water.
Here I brought as an example only one development, but there is more … stay tuned 🙂
I will just mention that the most advanced development in the field already exists in me in a different drop




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