Another drop

4 Useful Tips for Drinking Water

“I have a headache”
“I got hit…”
“I’m tired”
Ever since I was little, my dad always had the same answer to every palpation, a pain
Or my complaint.

“Two waters”

Many times I did not understand what the connection was … but today I understand that he is right
And what’s funny is that this is exactly how I answer to my children as well.
I did not even notice it until my sister-in-law told me one day
“You’re just like your dad … the same answer to everything … drink water”
What will I say and what will I say? This is true.

No matter how we turn it, water is the real fuel of our body.
The body simply cannot function without water.
So many processes take place in our body, without us even being aware of them, and in all of them water is an integral part.
I recently heard a lecture by a doctor who took the stage and made a clear statement
That in many cases of stress-related symptoms, it is not a physical problem or disease, but very simply thirst.
When the body does not get enough water, the problems start to appear … This can be manifested in headaches, nervousness, fatigue, constipation, joint pain and more.

There is a link between drinking water and reducing chronic diseases

The recommendation for an adult is to drink about 10 glasses a day, but many of us
Just do not take care of it …
Do you ever feel stressed at work that makes you forget to drink?
So here are 4 tips when you should drink water regularly and if this habit “catches”, all you have left to complete during the day is 5 glasses.

Before morning coffee – it is recommended to drink a glass or two of refreshing water
To start waking up and starting the internal systems.

Before each meal – you should drink a glass of water, to make the digestion of food easier and faster.

Before the shower – you should drink a glass of water, to prevent a significant increase in blood pressure

Before bed – did you know ?! Drinking a glass of water before bed reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack.

And if you’ve read this far, I recommend you get up and pour yourself a glass of water and drink right now

Water for a good life

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